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contact Isabelle Grosse-Mileo

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In her personal works, Isabelle addresses questions related to different kinds of shaping processes and structures in occidental and contemporary society.

The first video Isabelle realized was called “introducing oneself”, a silent movie in which professional actors were presenting themselves, facing camera, without speaking. The question of the body as a social object was  set. Since then, from one medium to another, photography, video, interactive design, Isabelle addresses questions related to the occupation of space in contemporary society and how the bodies take shape there. The art of Isabelle Grosse relies on both groups and individuals: she focuses as well on collective forms like crowds as well as on individual portraiture. 

As a photographer, she has developed for a long time a personal visual process called “outlining”, in which she frames groups (crowds, cities, objects, landscapes) within her photographs to reveal collective forms. Isabelle Grosse has also developed an outdoor interactive video project which questioned collective mobility. She is the author of « Upstream », a monumental interactive video installation that was set up in front of the Paris City Hall during “Nuit Blanche″.


On another hand, she has developed a work on portrait inspired by the approach of sociologist Erving Goffman in  « The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life ». She has developed several series about gender following the idea of gender as performance, popularized by American poststructuralist philosopher Judith Butler.


She is represented in major public and private collections, such as the National Contemporary Art Fund, the Municipal Fund of Contemporary Art of the City of Paris, the UBS Foundation Collection. Isabelle Grosse was invited by UCLA in May 2016 to present her work during the « Diasporas Mini Lab Day ».

Isabelle is commissioned for corporate communication, photo documentary behind the scenes, fashion editorials and other communications projects including new cinemagraph technics.

Selected solo exhibitions

2016 invited speaker at UCLA (Universty of California)

2014-2015 October-January, « Structures in Chaos », Gianna Sistu Gallery (Paris)

2009 Docks Art Fair, Lyon, France

« Dis-Appearances », Vanessa Quang gallery, Paris (France)

2008 « Shaping », Maison des Arts de Malakoff (France)

2006 « Bouger les mots », interactive public installation, Bucarest (Romania)

2005 « Upstream », monumental interactive installation, Paris city hall square (France)

2004 « Cache:moi », Nuit Blanche Paris (France)

Photo studio, installation, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (France)

« Reversible », Centre for contemporary art, Castres (France)

2003 Residency, Espace de l’art concret, Mouans Sartoux (France)

2001 « Formatter », Anton Weller gallery, Paris (France)

1998 « Urban marker », 150 meter long urban strip on the walls of Odeon National Theatre, Paris

1997 « Recto/Verso », installation, National House of radio, Paris (France)

Cannes film Festival, installation for the 50th edition of the french film festival (France)

Selected Group Exhibitions

2012 « Collectionner aujourd’hui », Saint-Restitut contemporary art center (France)

2011 « Modèles danses », European month for photography, Arsenal de Metz (France)

« Home sweet home », Arthotheque du Limousin (France)

2009 Contemporary drawing art fair in Paris, Vanessa Quang gallery (France)

European Photography Month (Luxembourg)

2008 « l’Artothèque au Musée », Art and archeology Museum, Gueret (France)

« The Month of images », Ho Chi Min (Vietnam)

2007 « Venezia video art fair », Venice (Italy)

« Transimages 2 », French Institute, Yokohama (Japan)

« Rencontres photographiques de Solignac » (France)

2006 « Transimages 1 », French Institute, Yokohama (Japan)

2004 « video : séquence 1 », Maison des Arts de Malakoff (France)

« autres frontières », Artothèque du Limousin (France)

2003 « Inout Festival », Praha (Czech Republic)

« A l’année prochaine », Artothèque du Limousin (France)

2002 « Trade », NFI (Nederlands Foto Institut), Rotterdam (The Nederlands)

La Fabrique, Tokyo (Japan)

« Quick Mode/ Mode acceleré », Vox gallery, Montreal (Canada)

2001 « Trade », Fotomuseum Winterthur (Switzerland)

Art Forum Berlin, Anton Weller gallery (Germany)

FIAC Paris, Anton Weller gallery (France)

2000 « emplacements/deplacements », Anton Weller gallery, Paris (France)

« domiciles », Tanlay Art center, Tanlay (France)

« L’art dans le vent », Chamarande Art Center (France)

« Les semaines européennes de l’image », le Havre (France)

1999 FIAC Paris, Anton Weller gallery (France)

1997 « Le centenaire d’Aragon », Blanc Mesnil Center for Culture (France)

Public collections

FNAC (French National Fund for Contemporary Art)

BDIC Museum (Paris)

Fond Municipal d’art contemporain de la Ville de Paris (City of Paris Fund for Contemporary Art)

Fond Départemental d’art contemporain du Nord (North Region Fund for Contemporary Art)

Fond Départemental d’art contemporain de l’Essonne (Essonne Distr. Fund for Contemporary Art)

Artothèque du Limousin (Limousin Contemporary Art Museum)

Private Collections

CMA-CGM Corporate Foundation (third largest container shipping company in the world)

UBS Corporate Collection (Switzerland)

COLAS Corporate Collection (largest road building company in the world


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